
Описания трюков (ENG):


Jumping into the air while coasting forward

Bunnyhop up

Using a bunnyhop to get up an obstacle. You can land on bashguard, rear wheel, front wheel, or both wheels and still call it a bunnyhop up.


While balancing on either your bashguard or both wheels, you throw your bike forward all the way over an obstacle, usually lunging at least a bike length away. This is used when it's too slippery or technical to go to rear wheel. You can also use it to drop off of something. (extra help from Rob Kastelic, thanks!)

Correction hop

Any time you hop to correct a previous hop.

Drop-off or drop-in

Any manner in which you come off an obstacle and become airborn.


The endo is simply locking up the front brake while rolling forward and thrusting your weight forward onto the front wheel. This is how you get yourself into the correct position for front wheel hops.

In use: "To get on the rear wheel easier, do an endo first". "I endoed while going down that steep hill section". - Went over the handlebars


The space between two obstacles. Also used as a verb meaning to clear (or cross) a gap.

In use: "I gapped that" - meaning that you cleared the gap.

Helicopter (nosepick 360)

When you spin on your front tire off of a drop off, and land rear tire after spinning 360 degrees.


With or without the use of a pedal-kick, from a standstill and using exaggerated body language, you lunge forward.


The nosepick involves locking up the front bake and moving your weight forward so that only the front wheel is on the ground (similar to an endo). It can be used for sidehopping onto or off of objects. Can also be used to mean that you sidehopped, landed your front tire on the object, then came back down to where you took off without touching your rear tire on the object.

In use: "I nosepick sidehopped onto the picnic table!" - The front wheel landed first, and then I swung the rear wheel on.


Quick stroke of the pedal making a quarter revolution or less. Release of the power of the stroke usually controlled by the rear brake. Pressure is applied to the pedal while the rear brake is locked, then the rear brake is released and the quick stroke begins. You can pedal-kick a gap, which usually means you were rear-wheel hopping on one side, then pedal-kicked and landed either rear-wheel, bashguard, or both wheels on the other side. If you landed rear-wheel, you could say you tocked across the gap. If you had both wheels on the start side of the gap, then launched across the gap with a pedal-kick, this would be called a lunge.

Pedal-up (2-pedal or 3-pedal, or a surge)

Getting up an obstacle while driving the rear wheel with the pedals. 2-pedal uses two pedal strokes (one with each foot) together to launch oneself onto an object or across a gap

In use: "I pedal-upped that ledge" or "I 2-pedalled that ledge"


Front wheel pivot is where you lock the front brake and move the rear wheel to either side (pivot on the front wheel), rear is the opposite.

In use: "I pivoted up those stairs". - Pivoted my front wheel up one stair, then rear wheel up one stair. "Use a pivot drop-off to get off that boulder". Pivoting off the front wheel, and picking it up off the object before the rear wheel gets too low.


Small hops made with both tires for balance.


Jumping with the bike sideways. Sidehop onto an obstacle. Sidehop off. Sidehop a gap.

In use: "I sidehopped that gap".

Static hop

Large jump in the air that looks just like a sidehop, except without the sideways part. Just for show. 2. Little hops on both wheels to maintain balance in situations where the trackstand is impractical.


(see Pedal-Up)


Hopping on the rear wheel. 2. Pedal-kicking while on rear wheel.

In use: "I tocked across that gap" - on rear wheel on one side of gap, pedal-kick to other side of gap to rear wheel. "I tocked off the boulder". - on rear wheel on the bolder, used a pedal-kick to drop off the boulder. "I was tocking on this rock, and I just slipped and fell".


Balancing in place with little movement of the wheels


axle to axle, or a little longer, depending on what you're talking about. If you're talking about a "wheelbase" gap, then this is a gap in which you can just barely comfortably fit the rear wheel on one side and the front wheel on the other.

Автор: разыскивается.
Источник: уточняется.


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